Hydroelectricity is electricity generated by hydropower,the production of power through use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. It is the most widely used form of renewable energy.
Karnafuli Hydro Power Station is located at kaptai, chittagong. This plant was constructed in 1962 as part of the 'Karnafuli Multipurpose Project', and is one of the biggest water resources development project of Bangladesh. After being commissioned in 1962, the plant could feed the national grid with 80 MW of electricity. In later years, the generation capacity was increased in two phases to a total of 230 MW. The plant not only plays an important role in meeting the power demand of the country but is also vital as a flood management installation for the areas downstream.
Power generation The project was inaugurated in early 1962, with two of its three planned generators putting 80 MW of electricity into the national power grid. The third generator of 50 MW started power generation in January 1982. A feasibility study revealed that the reservoir had a 25% higher capacity than what was originally computed. The operating data also revealed a higher value of inflow than had initially been calculated. In order to exploit this additional potential, two more generators having 50 MW capacity each was installed in 1988.
The power available from this dam has accelerated the establishment and expansion of industries in Bangladesh and has resulted in an appreciable saving in foreign exchange required for the import of manufactured goods. The power generated also permits pumping of water to achieve widespread irrigation and drainage. The reservoir storage designed to prevent serious flood has already saved the city of Chittagong from severe damage. Fishing in Kaptai reservoir annually produces more than 7,000 tons of freshwater fish. Right above the dam there is the unending vista of a smooth sheet of water up to all conceivable corners of chittagong hill tracts made negotiable by launches, boats and other craft to the farthest Barkal rapids to the east and Kasalong forest reserves to the north, past rangamati. At Kaptai, all floating cargoes are transported across the dam by electric overhead trolleys. Labels: Power Plant
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