Tongi, Gazipur.
Bata is a multinational company . It is the largest shoe manufacturing company of Bangladesh. They have a world wide business. This is the substation room of Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd,Tongi, Dhaka ,Bangladesh.
This substation room is designed by siemens Bangladesh.
This is a LT switchgear panel having two nos 400A MCCB ,1 no 600A MCCB circuit breaker ,1 nos 160A MCCB,100A MCB& 63A MCB each. The Red, Yellow, Blue indicating the L1,L2,L3 Phases.The busbar is used here is Cu of 80x10 size.
Labels: Projects
Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!
L&t Switch Gear
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