Now-a-days the instant power supply (IPS) is one of the most important things in one’s life. The main function of the IPS is to give power to the residential loads continuously for sometimes while there is a load shedding or failure of mains. In Bangladesh, in most cities , the electricity board / the authority do not provide mains supply for 24 hours in a day, for demand is more than generation. Actually our demand (in Bangladesh) is 4500MW whereas the generation is 3800MW only. So in peak hours we always get victim of load shedding. In rural areas the condition is far worse. Even in our country, load shedding occurs 4/5 times in a day. So from this view we can say the power situation in Bangladesh is not reliable.

an Instant Power Supply (IPS) using MOSFET. Actually, the power handling capability and switching rate of the MOSFET is better than the transistor that is why we choose the MOSFET based IPS. IPS gives long back up time and lower cost. When current is failed, it requires 1 second to recognize it. While UPS require only 10 msec. The wave of all device is sine wave but the wave of IPS is square wave. Because of square wave and more delay time electrical equipment cab be reset.For these two reason the use of IPS is not feasible and it is not suitable for IT or telecom or medical equipment.The operation of generator and IPS are same but generator are used to cover larger area than that of IPS.
The Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems which are not suitable for powering those equipments which have rotating machinery such as induction motors and blowers. Also for computer systems, which make use of linear power supplies, square wave input with higher noise level.

In addition product features, Rahimafrooz (One of the largest group in Bangladesh) invented IPS with the art inverter technology. and the built-in Centre Processing Unit that continuously monitors and controls the automatic functions of the IPS. Rahimafrooz IPS are designed to meet power requirements for home and office appliances like light, fan, audio visual equipment, fax, PABX, etc. and can be plugged in directly with the main supply.The Range is available from 250 VA to 10.00 KVA models.
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