Nuclear Power Plant

01:35 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

Nuclear reactors, which produce heat by splitting uranium atoms, do the same job as conventional power producing equipment in the generation of electricity – they produce heat to convert waterinto steam, which spins a turbine or generator to make electricity. Instead of coal, oil or natural gas, Canadian nuclear reactors use natural uranium for fuel. But the uranium is not burned. Uranium atoms make heat by splitting – the technical term is fissioning.

When a neutron (a tiny sub-atomic particle that is one of the components of almost all
atoms) strikes an atom of uranium, the uranium atom splits into two lighter atoms(which are called fission products) and releases heat at the same time. The fissioning process also releases from one to three more neutrons that can split other uranium atoms. This is the beginning of a "chain reaction" in which more and more uranium atoms are split, releasing more and more neutrons (and heat).

In a power reactor, the chain reaction is tightly controlled to produce only the amount of heat needed to generate a specific amount of electricity.
Heat makes Steam
The fission process generates a huge amount of heat. In order to be useful, the heat has to be moved to boilers to make steam. In a reactor, heavy water does this job. It is pumped constantly through the fuel channels in the reactor and takes the heat from the fuel bundles up to boilers above the reactor. In the boilers the heated heavy water heats up ordinary water to make steam. The steam is piped out of the boilers and over to the turbine
hall where it drives the huge turbines/generators that make the electricity we use.

Creating A Chain Reaction
Canadian reactors use fuel made of natural uranium. Like uranium in the ground, almost all of the uranium in fuel is U-238. This is the common form of the element. The ore also contains tiny amounts (0.7%) of U-235, an unstable isotope of uranium that fissions spontaneously – that’s why Geiger counters react to ore-carrying rock. The fact that U-235 atoms fission spontaspontaneously makes it possible to get a controlled chain reaction
going inside the mass of fuel in the reactor. But no chain reaction can take place in this fuel unless three conditions are all satisfied at the same time:

  • several tons of fuel are present;

  • the tubes containing the fuel are stacked in a special arrangement, neither too close together, nor too far apart; and,

  • a material called a "moderator" surrounds the fuel. The moderator slows, or moderates, the speed of the neutrons resulting from the fission so they are more likely to collide with, and split, more uranium atoms. The moderator in Canadian reactors is heavy water which is
very efficient at slowing down neutrons while not absorbing too many of them. Heavy water is 10% heavier than ordinary water because it incorporates a heavy form of hydrogen called deuterium.

Reactor Fuel
Natural uranium fuel for Power Generation’s reactors is first formed into ceramic pellets and then sealed into metal tubes. The tubes are assembled into fuel bundles weighing about 22 kilograms each. One bundle produces the same amount of heat as 400 tonnes of coal.

The Calandria
The heart of an Power Generation reactor is a large cylindrical tank filled with the heavy water moderator. This tank, or calandria, is penetrated horizontally by several hundred fuel channels. Twelve or thirteen fuel bundles are placed end-to-end in each fuel channel as shown in the picture. Pressurized heavy water is pumped through the fuel channels where it is heated by the fuel to 300ÂșC. It then travels to a boiler to boil ordinary
water into high-pressure steam that drives the turbine/ generator to produce electricity. Upon cooling the heavy water is returned to the reactor to pick up more heat and the ordinary water is recirculated to the boiler to be reheated.
Safety and Reactor Control
The reactor is automatically controlled to the required reactor power using liquid zone controllers and mechanical control absorbers. These specially designed tubes and control rods can be activated by the computer or manually controlled. During routine operation, operators can shut down a reactor by completely inserting the control rods. In emergency
situations, however, a separate set of neutron absorbing rods, called shut-off rods, will automatically drop into the reactor and shut it down. In all Ontario Power Generation reactors, the safety systems are independent of the process systems and independent of each other. They do not function during normal operation of the reactor. They activate only if the
process systems are unable to ensure the safe shut down or cooling of the unit.

Curtesy :Ontario Power Generation


Variable Frequency Drive Fundamentals

04:05 / Posted by tech data / comments (2)

AC Motor Speed - The speed of an AC induction motor depends upon two factors:
1) The number of motor poles
2) The frequency of the applied power.
120 x Frequency
AC Motor Speed Formula:

Example: For example, the speed of a 4-Pole Motor operating at 60 Hz would be:
120 x 60 / 4 = 7200 / 4 = 1800 RPM

Inverter Drives - An inverter is an electronic power unit for generating AC power. By using an inverter-type AC drive, the speed of a conventional AC motor* can be varied through a wide speed range from zero through the base (60 Hz) speed and above (often to 90 or 120 hertz).
Voltage and Frequency Relationship - When the frequency applied to an induction motor is reduced, the applied voltage must also be reduced to limit the current drawn by the motor at reduced frequencies. (The inductive reactance of an AC magnetic circuit is directly proportional to the frequency according to the formula XL = 2 f L. Where: = 3.14, f = frequency in hertz, and L= inductive reactance in Henrys.)

Variable speed AC drives will maintain a constant volts/hertz relationship from 0 - 60 Hertz. For a 460 motor this ratio is 7.6 volts/Hz. To calculate this ratio divide the motor voltage by 60 Hz. At low frequencies the voltage will be low, as the frequency increases the voltage will increase. (Note: this ratio may be varied somewhat to alter the motor performance characteristics such a providing a low-end boost to improve starting torque.)

Depending on the type of AC Drive, the microprocessor control adjusts the output voltage waveform, by one of several methods, to simultaneously change the voltage and frequency to maintain the constant volts/hertz ratio throughout the 0 - 60 Hz range. On most AC variable speed drives the voltage is held constant above the 60 hertz frequency. The diagram below illustrates this voltage/frequency relationship.


Roll of Hard disc

10:24 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

Hard disk plays a significant role in the following important aspects of your computer system:
Performance: The hard disk plays a very important role in overall system performance, probably more than most people recognize (though that is changing now as hard drives get more of the attention they deserve). The speed at which the PC boots up and programs load is directly related to hard disk speed. The hard disk's performance is also critical when multitasking is being used or when processing large amounts of data such as graphics work, editing sound and video, or working with databases.

Storage Capacity: This is kind of obvious, but a bigger hard disk lets you store more
programs and data.

Software Support: Newer software needs more space and faster hard disks to load it
efficiently. It's easy to remember when 1 GB was a lot of disk space; heck, it's even easy to
remember when 100 MB was a lot of disk space! Now a PC with even 1 GB is considered by
many to be "crippled", since it can barely hold modern (inflated) operating system files and a
complement of standard business software.

Reliability: One way to assess the importance of an item of hardware is to consider how much
grief is caused if it fails. By this standard, the hard disk is the most important component by a
long shot. As I often say, hardware can be replaced, but data cannot. A good quality hard disk,
combined with smart maintenance and backup habits, can help ensure that the nightmare of
data loss doesn't become part of your life.


Hard Disk Drives

10:19 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

The hard disk drive in your system is the "data center" of the PC. It is here that all of your programs and data are stored between the occasions that you use the computer. Your hard disk (or disks) are the most important of the various types of permanent storage used in PCs (the others being floppy disks and other storage media such as CD-ROMs, tapes, removable drives, etc.) The hard disk differs from the others primarily in three ways: size (usually larger), speed (usually faster) and permanence (usually fixed in the PC and not removable).

Hard disk drives are almost as amazing as microprocessors in terms of the technology they use and how much progress they have made in terms of capacity, speed, and price in the last 20 years. The first PC hard disks had a capacity of 10 megabytes and a cost of over $100 per MB. Modern hard disks have capacities approaching 100 gigabytes and a cost of less than 1 cent per MB! This represents an improvement of 1,000,000% in just under 20 years, or around 67% cumulative improvement per year. At the same time, the speed of the hard disk and its interfaces have increased dramatically as well.


AC drives.

02:22 / Posted by tech data / comments (2)

In ac drives, the rectifier output is inverted to produce a variable-frequency ac voltage for the motor. Inverters are classified as voltage source inverters (VSIs) or current source inverters (CSIs). A VSI requires a constant dc (i.e., low-ripple) voltage input to the inverter stage. This is achieved with a capacitor or LC filter in the dc link. The CSI requires a constant current input; hence, a series inductor is placed in the dc link.

AC drives generally use standard squirrel cage induction motors. These motors are rugged, relatively low in cost, and require little maintenance. Synchronous motors are used where recise speed control is critical. A popular ac drive configuration uses a VSI employing PWM techniques
to synthesize an ac waveform as a train of variable-width dc pulses . The inverter uses either SCRs, gate turnoff (GTO) thyristors, or power transistors for this purpose. Currently, the VSI PWM drive offers the best energy efficiency for applications over a wide speed range for drives up through at least 500 hp. Another advantage of PWM drives is that, unlike other types of drives, it is not necessary to vary rectifier output voltage to control motor speed. This allows the rectifier thyristors to be replaced with diodes, and the thyristor control circuitry to be liminated.
Very high power drives employ SCRs and inverters. These may be 6- pulse, as shown in Fig. or like large dc drives, 12-pulse. VSI drives are limited to applications that do not require rapid
changes in speed. CSI drives have good acceleration/deceleration characteristics but require a motor with a leading power factor (synchronous or induction with capacitors) or added control circuitry to commutate the inverter thyristors. In either case, the CSI drive must be designed for use with a specific motor. Thyristors in current source
inverters must be protected against inductive voltage spikes, which increases the cost of this type of drive.


DC drives.

02:15 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

Rectification is the only step required for dc drives.Therefore, they have the advantage of relatively simple control sys-tems. Compared with ac drive systems, the dc drive offers a widerspeed range and higher starting torque. However, purchase and main-tenance costs for dc motors are high, while the cost of power electronicdevices has been dropping year after year. Thus, economic considera-tions limit use of the dc drive to applications that require the speed andtorque characteristics of the dc motor.Most dc drives use the six-pulse rectifier shown in Fig Largedrives may employ a 12-pulse rectifier. This reduces thyristor current
duties and reduces some of the larger ac current harmonics. The two largest harmonic currents for the six-pulse drive are the fifth and seventh. They are also the most troublesome in terms of system response. A 12-pulse rectifier in this application can be expected to eliminate about 90 percent of the fifth and seventh harmonics, depending on system imbalances. The disadvantages of the 12-pulse drive are that there is more cost in electronics and another transformer is generally required.



02:06 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

The most basic overcurrent protective element on the system is a fuse. Fuses are relatively inexpensive and maintenance-free. For those reasons, they are generally used in large numbers on most utility distribution systems to protect individual transformers and feeder branches
(sometimes called laterals or lateral branches).

Figure shows a typical overhead line fused cutout. The fundamental purpose of fuses is to operate on permanent faults and isolate (sectionalize) the faulted section from the sound portion of the feeder. They are positioned so that the smallest practical section of the feeder is disturbed. Fuses detect overcurrent by melting the fuse element, which generally is made of a metal such as tin or silver. This initiates some sort of arcing action that will lead to the interruption of the current. There are two basic kinds of fuse technologies used in power systems:

1. Expulsion fuses
2. Current-limiting fuses

The essential difference between the two is the way the arc is quenched. This also gives the fuses different power quality characteristics. An explusion fuse creates an arc inside a tube with an ablative coating. This creates high-pressure gases that expel the arc plasma and fuse remnants out the bottom of the cutout, often with a loud report similar to a firearm. This cools the arc such that it will not reignite after the alternating current naturally goes through zero. This can be
as short as one-half cycle for high currents to several cycles for low fault currents. This determines the duration of the voltage sag observed at loads. An expulsion fuse is considerably less expensive than a currentlimiting fuse.

A current-limiting fuse dissipates the energy in the arc in a closed environment, typically by melting a special sand within an insulating tube. This process actually quenches the arc very quickly, forcing the
current to zero before that would naturally occur. This can have somebeneficial impacts on the voltage sag characteristics.



01:57 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

Noise is defined as unwanted electrical signals with broadband spectral content lower than 200 kHz superimposed upon the power system voltage or current in phase conductors, or found on neutral conductors or signal lines.

Noise in power systems can be caused by power electronic devices,control circuits, arcing equipment, loads with solid-state rectifiers, and switching power supplies. Noise problems are often exacerbated by improper grounding that fails to conduct noise away from the power system. Basically, noise consists of any unwanted distortion of the power signal that cannot be classified as harmonic distortion or transients.

Noise disturbs electronic devices such as microcomputer and programmable controllers. The problem can be mitigated by using filters, isolation transformers, and line conditioners.



01:55 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

Notching is a periodic voltage disturbance caused by the normal operation of power electronic devices when current is commutated from one phase to another. Since notching occurs continuously, it can be characterized through the harmonic spectrum of the affected voltage. However, it is generally treated as a special case. The frequency components associated with
notching can be quite high and may not be readily characterized with measurement equipment normally used for harmonic analysis.

Figure shows an example of voltage notching from a three-phase converter that produces continuous dc current. The notches occur when the current commutates from one phase to another. During this period, there is a momentary short circuit between two phases, pulling the
voltage as close to zero as permitted by system impedances.



01:51 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

Voltages or currents having frequency components that are not integer multiples of the frequency at which the supply system is designed to operate (e.g., 50 or 60 Hz) are called interharmonics. They can appear as discrete frequencies or as a wideband spectrum. Interharmonics can be found in networks of all voltage classes. Themain sources of interharmonic waveform distortion are static frequency converters, cycloconverters, induction furnaces, and arcing devices. Power line carrier signals can also be considered as interharmonics. Since the first edition of this book, considerable work has been done on this subject. There is now a better understanding of the origins and effects of interharmonic distortion. It is generally the result of frequency conversion and is often not constant; it varies with load. Such interharmonic currents can excite quite severe resonances on the power system as the varying interharmonic frequency becomes coincident with natural frequencies of the system. They have been shown to affect power-line-carrier signaling and induce visual flicker in fluorescent and other arc lighting as well as in computer display devices.



01:46 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

Harmonics are sinusoidal voltages or currents having frequencies that are integer multiples of the frequency at which the sup- ply system is designed to operate (termed the fundamental frequency; usually 50 or 60 Hz).6 Periodically distorted waveforms can be decomposed into a sum of the fundamental frequency and the harmonics. Harmonic distortion originates in the nonlinear characteristics of devices and loads on the power system. Harmonic distortion levels are described by the complete harmonic spectrum with magnitudes and phase angles of each individual harmonic component. It is also common to use a single quantity, the total harmonic distortion (THD), as a measure of the effective value of harmonic distortion. Figure illustrates the waveform and harmonic spectrum for a typical adjustable-speed-drive (ASD) input current. Current distortion levels can be characterized by a THD value, as previously described, but this can often be misleading. For example, many
adjustable-speed drives will exhibit high THD values for the input current when they are operating at very light loads. This is not necessarily a significant concern because the magnitude of harmonic current is low, even though its relative distortion is high. To handle this concern for characterizing harmonic currents in a consistent fashion, IEEE Standard 519-1992 defines another term, the total demand distortion (TDD). This term is the same as the total harmonic
distortion except that the distortion is expressed as a percent of some rated load current rather than as a percent of the fundamental current magnitude at the instant of measurement. IEEE Standard 519-1992 provides guidelines for harmonic current and voltage distortion
levels on distribution and transmission circuits.


DC offset

01:45 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

The presence of a dc voltage or current in an ac power system is termed dc offset. This can occur as the result of a geomagnetic disturbance or asymmetry of electronic power converters. Incandescent light bulb life extenders, for example, may consist of diodes that reduce the rms voltage supplied to the light bulb by half-wave rectification. Direct current in ac networks can have a detrimental effect by biasing transformer cores so they saturate in normal operation. This causes additional heating and loss of transformer life. Direct current may also cause
the electrolytic erosion of grounding electrodes and other connectors.


Waveform Distortion

01:43 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

Waveform distortion is defined as a steady-state deviation from an ideal sine wave of power frequency principally characterized by the spectral content of the deviation.

There are five primary types of waveform distortion:
■ DC offset
■ Harmonics
■ Interharmonics
■ Notching
■ Noise


Voltage Imbalance

01:41 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

Voltage imbalance (also called voltage unbalance) is sometimes defined as the maximum deviation from the average of the three-phase voltages or currents, divided by the average of the three-phase voltages or currents, expressed in percent.

Imbalance is more rigorously defined in the standards6,8,11,12 using symmetrical components. The ratio of either the negative- or zerosequence component to the positive-sequence component can be used to specify the percent unbalance. The most recent standards11 specify that the negative-sequence method be used.

The primary source of voltage unbalances of less than 2 percent is single-phase loads on a three-phase circuit. Voltage unbalance can also be the result of blown fuses in one phase of a three-phase capacitor bank. Severe voltage unbalance (greater than 5 percent) can result from single-phasing conditions.



01:38 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

Aswellis defined as an increase to between 1.1 and 1.8 pu in rms voltageor current at the power frequency for durations from 0.5 cycle to 1 min.As with sags, swells are usually associated with system fault condi-tions, but they are not as common as voltage sags. One way that a swellcan occur is from the temporary voltage rise on the unfaulted phasesduring an SLG fault. Figure illustrates a voltage swell caused by anSLG fault. Swells can also be caused by switching off a large load orenergizing a large capacitor bank.Swells are characterized by their magnitude (rms value) and dura-tion. The severity of a voltage swell during a fault condition is a func-tion of the fault location, system impedance, and grounding. On anungrounded system, with an infinite zero-sequence impedance, theline-to-ground voltages on the ungrounded phases will be 1.73 pu dur-ing an SLG fault condition. Close to the substation on a grounded sys-tem, there will be little or no voltage rise on the unfaulted phasesbecause the substation transformer is usually connected delta-wye,providing a low-impedance zero-sequence path for the fault current.Faults at different points along four-wire, multigrounded feeders willhave varying degrees of voltage swells on the unfaulted phases. A15percent swell, like that shown in Fig. 2.8, is common on U.S. utilityfeeders.The term momentary overvoltageis used by many writers as a syn-onym for the term swell.



01:34 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

An interruption occurs when the supply voltage or load currentdecreases to less than 0.1 pu for a period of time not exceeding 1 min.Interruptions can be the result of power system faults, equipmentfailures, and control malfunctions. The interruptions are measured bytheir duration since the voltage magnitude is always less than 10 per-cent of nominal. The duration of an interruption due to a fault on theutility system is determined by the operating time of utility protectivedevices. Instantaneous reclosing generally will limit the interruptioncaused by a nonpermanent fault to less than 30 cycles. Delayed reclos-ing of the protective device may cause a momentary or temporary inter-ruption. The duration of an interruption due to equipment malfunctionsor loose connections can be irregular.Some interruptions may be preceded by a voltage sag when theseinterruptions are due to faults on the source system. The voltage sagoccurs between the time a fault initiates and the protective device oper-ates.


Advantages of Space Solar Power

23:36 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

1. SSP can take advantage of our current and historic investment in aerospace expertise to expand employment opportunities. SSP’s technologies are near-term and have multiple attractive approaches. Many thousands of STEM jobs, on inspiring work that we understand how to do is needed to bring them to practical fruition.
2. Unlike coal and nuclear plants, SSP does not compete for or depend on scarce fresh water resources. Various liquid fuels, such as anhydrous ammonia, can be created from electricity, air and sea water and moved through the same sort of pipeline system as motor gasoline. It has 111 octane, whereas corn-based ethanol has a very low octane. We have a 50 year history of making and using liquid ammonia, primarily for farming, but also as the fuel of the X-15 rocket.
3. Unlike coal, oil, gas, ethanol, and bio-fuel engines, SSP emits very little CO2, only an antenna is on the Earth (the proper term is rectenna, or “rectifying antenna”).
4. Unlike bio-ethanol or bio-diesel, SSP does not compete for increasingly valuable farm land or depend on natural-gas-derived fertilizer. Corn and other foodstuffs can continue to be a major export instead of a fuel provider.
5. Unlike nuclear power plants, SSP produces no hazardous waste, does not proliferate nuclear weapons, or provide ready targets for terrorists.
6. Unlike terrestrial solar and wind power plants, SSP is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in endless quantities. SSP ignores cloud cover, night, storms, dust and wind. Our understanding of the magnetosphere & solar wind interaction – SSP’s GSO operating environment – has become highly mature since 1962.
7. Unlike coal and nuclear fuels, SSP does not require environmentally problematic mining operations.
8. SSP can provide true energy independence for the nations that develop it, eliminating a major source of national competition for limited Earth-based energy resources and dependence on unstable or hostile foreign oil providers.
9. SSP can be easily “exported” anywhere in the world, and its vast energy can be converted to local needs, from appliances in Asia to desalination of sea water in the American West.
10. Only SSP can provide a market large enough to develop the low-cost space transportation systems required to enable the SSP business case. We will not “drift” to SSP. As the FAA’s 2007 Commercial Space Transportation Forecast shows a declining launch market. Sunsat Corp must incentivize the orbital market fleet it needs to close the business case. SSP is the only market big enough to do this. The FAA forecasts show it won’t happen with business as usual assumptions, we need Sunsat Act.

With lower cost space transportation, many new ventures in space become possible – mining interests have been planning to mine Near-Earth-Objects (NEO), protection of space power satellites will also be needed, numerous lunar development projects become more doable. Led by a Lunar Development Authority many other opportunities open; conceivably commercial products from the Moon could be sold to Sunsat Corp. The highway to the future begins with chartering Sunsat Corp, inspiring our children with a real and bright future again.

SSP would revitalize America by showing that a multitude of space-development-related educational fields, from telerobotics to space transportation, from wireless power transfer to photovoltaics and environmental sciences, are vitally relevant to these great problems. Reduced launch costs, the key enabler, will provide unprecedented access to space and space operations beginning with clean, baseload SSP - reliable power delivery and global energy security at greatly reduced environmental impact.

Only SSP’s immense need for freight to orbit can support this vastly expanded space launch market necessary to lower the cost of the crucial space access component. The proper path to build SSP, is a new congressionally chartered corporation; we suggest calling it SunSat Corporation. Rough draft legislation chartering SunSat corporation and initiating SSP construction is shown in the Appendix.


Oscillatory transient

22:45 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

An oscillatory transient is a sudden, non–power frequency change inthe steady-state condition of voltage, current, or both, that includesboth positive and negative polarity values.An oscillatory transient consists of a voltage or current whose instan-taneous value changes polarity rapidly. It is described by its spectralcontent (predominate frequency), duration, and magnitude. The spec-tral content subclasses defined in Table 2.2 are high, medium, and lowfrequency. The frequency ranges for these classifications are chosen tocoincide with common types of power system oscillatory transient phe-nomena.Oscillatory transients with a primary frequency component greaterthan 500 kHz and a typical duration measured in microseconds (or sev-eral cycles of the principal frequency) are considered high-frequencytransients. These transients are often the result of a local systemresponse to an impulsive transient.Atransient with a primary frequency component between 5 and 500kHz with duration measured in the tens of microseconds (or severalcycles of the principal frequency) is termed a medium-frequency transient.Back-to-back capacitor energization results in oscillatory transientcurrents in the tens of kilohertz as illustrated in Fig. 2.2. Cable switch-ing results in oscillatory voltage transients in the same frequencyrange. Medium-frequency transients can also be the result of a systemresponse to an impulsive transient.
Atransient with a primary frequency component less than 5 kHz,and a duration from 0.3 to 50 ms, is considered a low-frequency tran-sient.This category of phenomena is frequently encountered on utilitysubtransmission and distribution systems and is caused by many typesof events. The most frequent is capacitor bank energization, which typ-ically results in an oscillatory voltage transient with a primary fre-quency between 300 and 900 Hz. The peak magnitude can approach 2.0pu, but is typically 1.3 to 1.5 pu with a duration of between 0.5 and 3cycles depending on the system damping (Fig. 2.3).Oscillatory transients with principal frequencies less than 300 Hzcan also be found on the distribution system. These are generally asso-ciated with ferroresonance and transformer energization (Fig. 2.4).Transients involving series capacitors could also fall into this category.They occur when the system responds by resonating with low-fre-quency components in the transformer inrush current (second andthird harmonic) or when unusual conditions result in ferroresonance.It is also possible to categorize transients (and other disturbances)according to their mode.Basically, a transient in a three-phase systemwith a separate neutral conductor can be either common modeornor-mal mode,depending on whether it appears between line or neutraland ground, or between line and neutral.



22:41 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

The term transients has long been used in the analysis of power system
variations to denote an event that is undesirable and momentary in
nature. The notion of a damped oscillatory transient due to an RLC
network is probably what most power engineers think of when they
hear the word transient.

Other definitions in common use are broad in scope and simply state
that a transient is “that part of the change in a variable that disappears
during transition from one steady state operating condition to
another.”8 Unfortunately, this definition could be used to describe just
about anything unusual that happens on the power system.
Another word in common usage that is often considered synonymous
with transient is surge. A utility engineer may think of a surge as the
transient resulting from a lightning stroke for which a surge arrester
is used for protection. End users frequently use the word indiscriminantly
to describe anything unusual that might be observed on the
power supply ranging from sags to swells to interruptions. Because
there are many potential ambiguities with this word in the power quality
field, we will generally avoid using it unless we have specifically
defined what it refers to.

Broadly speaking, transients can be classified into two categories,
impulsive and oscillatory. These terms reflect the waveshape of a current
or voltage transient. We will describe these two categories in more detail.


Impulsive transient

22:41 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

An impulsive transient is a sudden, non–power frequency change in the
steady-state condition of voltage, current, or both that is unidirectional
in polarity (primarily either positive or negative).
Impulsive transients are normally characterized by their rise and
decay times, which can also be revealed by their spectral content. For
example, a 1.2x50-micro(s )2000-volt (V) impulsive transient nominally
rises from zero to its peak value of 2000 V in 1.2 micro(s) and then decays to
half its peak value in 50 micros. The most common cause of impulsive transients
is lightning. Figure illustrates a typical current impulsive
transient caused by lightning.

Because of the high frequencies involved, the shape of impulsive
transients can be changed quickly by circuit components and may have
significantly different characteristics when viewed from different parts
of the power system. They are generally not conducted far from the
source of where they enter the power system, although they may, in
some cases, be conducted for quite some distance along utility lines.
Impulsive transients can excite the natural frequency of power system
circuits and produce oscillatory transients.
Figure Lightning stroke current impulsive transient.


What Is Power Quality?

22:20 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

There can be completely different definitions for power quality, depend-ing on one’s frame of reference. For example, a utility may define powerquality as reliability and show statistics demonstrating that its systemis 99.98 percent reliable. Criteria established by regulatory agenciesare usually in this vein. Amanufacturer of load equipment may definepower quality as those characteristics of the power supply that enablethe equipment to work properly. These characteristics can be very dif-ferent for different criteria.Power quality is ultimately a consumer-driven issue, and the enduser’s point of reference takes precedence. Therefore, the following def-inition of a power quality problem is used in this book:Any power problem manifested in voltage, current, or frequency devia-tions that results in failure or misoperation of customer equipment.There are many misunderstandings regarding the causes of powerquality problems. The charts in Fig. 1.1 show the results of one surveyconducted by the Georgia Power Company in which both utility per-sonnel and customers were polled about what causes power qualityproblems. While surveys of other market sectors might indicate differ-ent splits between the categories, these charts clearly illustrate onecommon theme that arises repeatedly in such surveys: The utility’s andcustomer’s perspectives are often much different. While both tend toblame about two-thirds of the events on natural phenomena (e.g., light-ning), customers, much more frequently than utility personnel, thinkthat the utility is at fault.

When there is a power problem with a piece of equipment, end usersmay be quick to complain to the utility of an “outage” or “glitch” that hascaused the problem. However, the utility records may indicate no abnor-mal events on the feed to the customer. We recently investigated a casewhere the end-use equipment was knocked off line 30 times in 9 months,but there were only five operations on the utility substation breaker. Itmust be realized that there are many events resulting in end-user prob-lems that never show up in the utility statistics. One example is capaci-tor switching, which is quite common and normal on the utility system,but can cause transient overvoltages that disrupt manufacturingmachinery. Another example is a momentary fault elsewhere in the sys-tem that causes the voltage to sag briefly at the location of the customerin question. This might cause an adjustable-speed drive or a distributedgenerator to trip off, but the utility will have no indication that anythingwas amiss on the feeder unless it has a power quality monitor installed.In addition to real power quality problems, there are also perceivedpower quality problems that may actually be related to hardware, soft-

ware, or control system malfunctions. Electronic components candegrade over time due to repeated transient voltages and eventuallyfail due to a relatively low magnitude event. Thus, it is sometimes dif-ficult to associate a failure with a specific cause. It is becoming morecommon that designers of control software for microprocessor-basedequipment have an incomplete knowledge of how power systems oper-ate and do not anticipate all types of malfunction events. Thus, a devicecan misbehave because of a deficiency in the embedded software. Thisis particularly common with early versions of new computer-controlled



10:58 / Posted by tech data / comments (0)

The Asian Entech Power Corporation Limited is one of the fastest growing companies in the power generation sector of Bangladesh. The company won four IPP power generation contracts from the government of Bangladesh with a total capacity of 77MW (natural gas, simple cycle) in October of 2007.

All four projects are based on the Build Own Operate (BOO) model with contract duration of 15 years. Asian Entech will be supplying electricity to both Rural Electrification Board (REB) and Power Development Board (PDB) of Bangladesh through the national grid of the country. The World Bank (IFC) is the primary financier of the projects. The total cost of the project is approximately $ 55M (USD).
Three of the power plants each with a capacity of 22 MW are located in Narshingdi, Feni and Tangail. An additional 11 MW plant is located in Feni. The GE Janbacher is the supplier of the power generation sets.
Bangladesh has long been in serious shortage of power. With a population of 150 million and only 15-20 % of them being connected with electricity there exists a huge market scope for power sector. However, the present scenario encompasses the need for supplying uninterrupted power to the existing customers (Residential/commercial/industrial) with dependable power and to bring the huge segment of population that needs to be connected through electricity. The government of Bangladesh plans to add an additional capacity of 17,000 MWs by 2025.
Saiful Alam is the CEO of the company. Mr. Alam is an industry veteran with 20 years experience in the power sector. He is an electrical engineer. Prior to joining Asian Entech, he was the Executive Director at Summit Power of Bangladesh, the largest IPP in the country.
Tahzeeb Siddiqui is the managing director of Asian Entech. He is a director of Siddiqui Group of Bangladesh (total exports over $50m USD garments/textiles) as well. He has an MBA from Cornell University and an MS in political science from the University of London.
Javed Hosein is the director of finance of Asian Entech. Prior to joining Asian Entech he was a senior manager at Accenture’s management consulting practice based out of New York. Mr. Hosein holds a BS in electrical engineering from Boston University and an MBA from Cornell University.
Former foreign minister and managing director of Shasha Denim Ltd., Anisul Islam Mahmud is an investor in Asian Entech Power Corp.
